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Big Data Engineer Hiring Guide

Alex Mathew

Updated on October 5, 2023

Big Data Engineers are required in every data-driven industry from agriculture to climate change. 

Big Data Engineer Job Description


  • Leverage Data Engineering expertise for multiple teams across our organization 
  • Establish fault-tolerant, adaptive, and accurate data computational pipelines 
  • Steer data profiling activities of source system candidates 


  • Advanced degrees in computer science, mathematics, or statistics (good to have) 
  • Expertise in coding languages like Java, C++, and Python 
  • Knowledge of algorithms used for predictive modeling, natural language processing (NLP), and text analysis 

Get the complete job description here

Big Data Engineer Interview Questions

These Big Data Engineer interview questions will help you evaluate candidates’ knowledge, skills, and experience. 

  1. Can you name the 6 big Vs of Big Data? 
  2. How does big data help increase business revenue? Tell me an example 
  3. How do you deploy a Big data solution? What steps do you follow? 
  4. Differentiate between HDFS and YARN 

Access more interview questions here

Big Data Engineer Skill Assessment Questions

A Big Data Engineer needs a diverse skill set to excel in their field. Some of the top skills for a Big Data Engineer would include skills like: proficiency in work in Hadoop (HDFS, MapReduce, Hive etc.), Java, Scala or Python, distributed computing principles, SQL and NoSQL Databases (MongoDB, Hbase etc.), Data modelling and architecture, Apache Spark, data ingestion tools (Apache NiFi, Apache Kafka etc.), ETL process, machine learning and AI and more.

Glider AI technical skill assessments are a great tool to help hire a technically sound Big Data Engineer. Here’s an example from our technical skill assessments for a Big Data Engineer:

Topic: Spark SQL

  • In the given Spark SQL code snippet select the most appropriate options.
Glider AI big data engineer hiring guide

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