How To Make The Most Out Of Your Interviews [Infographic]

joseph cole

Updated on May 10, 2023

Even a century after the invention of the Edison Test, interviewers still have to turn in a baffling amount of research in order to prepare strategic interview questions to ask candidates. From Intelligence Quotients to General Aptitude tests to Candidate Assessment Technology, many interview structures have made a promise to predict future employee performance.

There is always a battle between structured and unstructured interview superiority. Though, unstructured interviews give a recruiter a free-style approach, structured interviews always are objective and goal-focused.  That’s why job interviews when conducted in a structured format, emphasize pertinent insights about a candidate.  

Here are some neat ways to make the most out of your Interviews:

  1. Structure Your Interviews: Do you know structured interviews are one of the most powerful selection tools in use today. Because they provide strategic interview questions to ask candidates, recruiters can explore competencies required from a job candidate. Competencies are behaviors that serve as metrics for successful performance in that particular role. Construct interview questions so as to obtain responses that add up to the performance objectives.
  2. Include Behavior-based Interviewing: Behavior-based interviewing is said to predict future performance based on past performance in similar situations. The behavioral interviewing style isn’t new but it seems to be more popular than ever. In a behavioral interview, the interviewer attempts to elicit descriptions of specific behaviors that were taken in past situations that closely parallel the challenges that will be faced in the job.
    “A modern recruiter is one who is targeted, builds relationships, and knows how to not only find candidates but also get them to respond!”  – Stacy Donovan Zapar
  3. The Blended Approach: The Blended Interview is the next stage in the evolution of the modern employment interview. The effective job interview approach includes strategic interview questions to ask candidates that are useful for collecting different kinds of information about a candidate, like biographical facts, credentials and achievements, technical knowledge, experience, self-evaluative information,  etc.
  4. Online Assessments to Pre-screen Candidates: In order to make the most of your interview time, pre-screen candidates using online automated assessments. Winnow the candidate pool to get an improved quality candidate funnel for your job posts. Hiring solutions like GLIDER offer interview tips for employers, besides psychometric and aptitude assessments along with technical skill assessments. Pre-determine the holistic fitment of a candidate through planning strategic interview questions to ask candidates. This helps you to productively spend your time with them face-to-face. Invest your time in crème-de-la crème candidates who truly deserve your job.

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